Liposuction & Tummy Tucks in Port St. Lucie FL
Dr. Viggiano has been performing a variety of Body Surgeries in our accredited surgery center for over 30 years.
Dr. Viggiano has been performing a variety of Body Surgeries in our accredited surgery center for over 30 years.
If you have a significant fold of skin you may also need skin as well as fat removal. In order to get a tighter, flatter abdomen, a tummy tuck or Abdominoplasty may be the cosmetic procedure for you. In an abdominoplasty the excess skin is removed along the bottom of the abdomen. Depending on the amount of skin removed the scar can go from hip to hip or be much shorter. Dr. Viggiano will show you what would be best for you. The Abdominoplasty can create a smoother and firmer abdomen, allowing you to look and feel better about yourself.
Remove areas of fat that do not respond well to exercise or diet.
We have all seen it: you can gain or lose weight but you still have your “problem spot.” You gain or lose weight in your own pattern, a pattern that you cannot change. You could even be too thin and still have your hated bulge. Well, no longer. Although you may not be able to spot reduce, spot reduction is precisely what Liposuction is for. That problem spot will no longer be a problem.