Lower Eyelid Resurfacing
Lower eyelid resurfacing is a wonderful way to restore the youthful appearance of your eyes and rid yourself of a dark, wrinkled appearance of your lower eyelid. Conventional lower eyelid surgery is used to remove excess fat bulges and requires incisions beneath the lashes. If you have lower eyelid wrinkles or overly dark skin but fat is not bulging, then all you may need is lower eyelid resurfacing which can be performed without an incision!
If this is the case, then a lower eyelid skin resurfacing may be the procedure for you.
The top layer of skin is heated to peel the surface. It takes about a week for the skin to heal and as it does so it contracts and becomes less pigmented. Dr. Viggiano has performed this treatment for many years.
The lower eyelid skin resurfacing is a wonderful way to restore the youthful appearance of your eyes and rid yourself of that tired appearance. Conventional lower eyelid surgery requires incisions beneath the lashes to remove excess fat. Lower eyelid skin resurfacing is performed without an incision!
99% of our before and after results cannot be viewed online because of patient privacy requests. To see other results, schedule a consultation with Dr. Viggiano.